To Report Animal Cruelty

Do you suspect or have witnessed animal cruelty or neglect? Please Call our confidential 247 Hotline at 18777221522

Thank you for doing your part to protect and give these defenceless animals a voice.

Help the investigating officer by providing as many details as possible, including (1) a description of the animal involved, (2) the type of cruelty witnessed, (3) the date of the incident, (4) where it took place, and (5) who was involved. 

All information remains confidential, including the person who made the complaint.

Protecting Animals

We maintain a staff of fulltime Animal Protection Officers who investigate allegations of animal cruelty and neglect. They provide frontline protection for animals across New Brunswick, responding to almost 3,500 animal cruelty, neglect and animal control complaints every year.

Our Animal Protection Officers have the same authority as police officers when enforcing legislation, particularly the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (RSNB 2014, c. 132) and the Criminal Code of Canada.

Action taken after investigating a report can progress from providing education to issuing a compliance notice, to seizing an animal, to laying charges where circumstances warrant.

What happens when an animal is taken into care by the NBSPCA?

When an animal is taken into care by an Animal Protection Officer, the focus is on meeting their needs. They’re given immediate medical care (if required) and taken to a partner shelter. Animals can be in our care anywhere from 48 hours to 15 days, depending on the case. During this holding period, we cover all costs related to the animal’s housing, food and medical care. 

Once the holding period is up, the owner is required to pay the associated bills. When the owner does not pay the bills, the animals become the property of the NBSPCA and are released to a shelter to be adopted. If the owner does pay the associated bills, they may or may not get their animals back, depending on the case and whether charges are applicable.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve made a complaint. Will an officer contact me and tell me what he or she found?

The officer will give you a follow-up call and a brief update, but due to privacy laws in New Brunswick, they may be limited with what they can share.

What is the difference between an Animal Protection Officer and other volunteer rescuers?

After passing an exam, Animal Protection Officers are appointed by the Minister of Environment and local government under the SPCA Act.

They are the only people in the province, other than police officers, with the powers to enforce animal cruelty laws. Volunteer rescuers, rescue groups, shelter workers, and animal control officers do not have these powers. 

Do Protection Officers investigate all complaints made?

Yes. Every complaint that comes in to the NBSPCA hotline is investigated by the Protection Officer in that specific area.

What is considered animal cruelty and neglect?

Neglect is the failure to provide adequate water, food, shelter and care. 

Examples of neglect include: starvation, dehydration, inadequate shelter, parasite infestations, failure to seek veterinary care when an animal is in need of medical attention, allowing a collar to grow into an animal’s skin, ventilation, space, unsanitary conditions, and failure to trim hooves or nails resulting in excessive growth. In some cases, neglect is a result of the owner’s ignorance.

Cruelty and abuse involve physical harm or injury inflicted on an animal, such as beating or poisoning an animal.

Read the NBSPCA Code of Practice for the Care of Dogs in New Brunswick (2018).

What are the signs of neglect or cruelty?

Signs of neglect or cruelty include, but aren’t limited to: 

  • Wounds on the body, limping, severely overgrown nails, patches of missing hair, etc.
  • Extremely thin, starving animals with ribs or backbone protruding
  • An owner kicking, hitting or otherwise physically abusing an animal
  • Animals who have been wounded or have conditions that have been left untreated (e.g., hit by a car, severe flea or tick infestation, tumours, abscesses, etc.) 
  • Animals who are repeatedly left alone without food and water
  • Animals who are kept outside without shelter in extreme weather conditions
  • Animals left in a car on a hot day
  • Animals crammed into tiny cages, overcrowded or dirty conditions, including being forced to stand in their own urine and excrement

Court Convictions

2024 Court Convictions
  • Miramichi Prov. Court: February 6, 2024: Changes of plea to guilty, sentenced as follows:
    • Hugo BOUCHARD — (Fail to Provide Medical care) Fined $500, Prohibition Order for 20 yrs;
    • Bernard BOUCHARD — (Fail to Provide Medical care) Conditional Sentence Order 45 days; fined $500, pay restitution of $821.01 to the NBSPCA, Prohibition Order for 20 yrs.
  • Saint John Prov. Court: February 22, 2024: Sentenced to 1 yr Probation and 1 yr Prohibited from owning or caring for an animal. (Fail to Provide Food, Water, Shelter and Care) — Jason C. SPEIGHT.
  • Moncton Prov. Court: May 17, 2024: Pled guilty. Fined $500, Prohibition Order for 12 mos. (Fail to Provide Food) – Colson T. COPP
2023 Convictions

  • Mohammad M. ISLAM. NB SPCA files 2022-059 2022 – 0538. Fail to Provide Food, Water, Shelter, and Medical Care, Fredericton Court. Sentenced to 2 years Probation, with conditions 
  • Adam C. CARR. NB SPCA files 2022 – 3042. Permitted Dog to Run at Large, Woodstock Court. Fined $168
  • MCLAUGHLIN, Rebecca D.A. NB SPCA files 2022 – 0592 and 2022 – 0781. SPCA Act Fail to Obtain Rabies Vaccination and Permit Dog to Run at Large. Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Governance Act ss. 6(2) and para. 8(1)(a). Woodstock Court. Fined total of $668 and a 2‑yr Probation Order to keep dog leashed and muzzled when outside. 
  • PINET, Tommy . NB SPCA file 2021 – 0003. Fail to Provide Food, Bathurst Court. Fined $500., Probation 8 months, restitution $185, prohibition from owning animals for 5 years 
  • McCARTY, Dustin R. NB SPCA file 2023 – 0121. Allowed Dog to Run at Large, Woodstock Court. Fined $140 
  • SARGEFIELDAngela D. NB SPCA file 2023 – 0200. Failed to Provide Shelter and Medical Care, Woodstock Court. Fined $500., Prohibited 2 years from owning dogs
  • SAVOY, Robert . NB SPCA file 22 – 1800, Unsanitary Conditions, Fail to Provide Medical Care, Bathurst Court. Fined $1200, Prohibited from owning dogs for 15 years; Probation for 2 years and ordered to pay restitution to NBSPCA in the amount of $3000
  • ABBOTT, Jamie-Lee F. NB SPCA file 2020 – 0377. Failed to Provide Care, Moncton Court. Sentenced to 18 months Probation including the condition to make a $200 donation to the NBSPCA
  • JOHNSON, Joshua A. NB SPCA file 2021 – 2125. SPCA Act sub-section 19(2) Fail to Provide Medical Care. Saint John Court. Conditional Sentence Order of 6 months, Prohibition Order for 1 year, no fine imposed.
  • COTE, Megan L. NB SPCA file 2022 – 1089. SPCA Act sub-section 19(2) Fail to Provide Food and Medical Care, Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Governance Act paragraph 8(1)(a) Permit dog to run at large. Woodstock Court. Fined a total of $672.50.
  • TOMLINSON, Lacey L. L. NB SPCA file 2022 – 3463 and 2023 – 0623. Reg 2022 – 36 Local Governance Act sub-section. 5(1) Fail to Register Dog, sub-section 8(b) Fail to Vaccinate, and 2 x paragraph 13(1)(a) Allow Dog to be At Large. Woodstock Court. Fined $140.
  • Krista L. CARSON and Dwayne M. CARSON. NB SPCA file 2022 – 3502. Paragraph 446(2)(b) CC Fail to Provide Shelter and Care. Saint John Court. Prohibition Orders of 10 years each in acquiring or possessing additional animals; each to pay $500 to NB SPCA
  • DUBE, Nadia. NB SPCA file 2023 – 0332. SPCA Act sub-section 24(2), sub-section 19(2) and section 31.2 — Operating Pet Establishment Without a Licence, Fail to Provide Food, and Fail to Produce Animals for Examination. Edmundston Court. A fine total of $1030 and a Prohibition Order for 3 years were imposed. 
  • THIBODEAU, Brigitte. NB SPCA file 2021 – 3026. Criminal Code and SPCA Act sub-section. 19(2) Fail to Provide Food, Water & Care. Bathurst Court. A fine total of $1500, supervised probation of 12 months, restitution fees of $1569.34, and a Prohibition Order for 10 years were imposed.
  • DURLING, Shelley D. NB SPCA file 22 – 3161. Paragraph 13(1)(a), sub-section 14(1) Regulation 2022 – 36 of the Local Governance Act. Allowed Dog to run at large. Woodstock Court. Fined $140 and ordered to pay restitution of $1147.54 to NBSPCA
  • CAMPBELL, Kevin B. NB SPCA file 22 – 2634. Sub-section 19(2) SPCA Act.  Failed to Provide Medical Care. Woodstock Court. Fined $500 and ordered to pay restitution of $577.03 to NBSPCA.

2022 Convictions
  • DEMER­CHANT, Andrew. NB SPCA files 2018 – 0234 & 20 – 1857 SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Med­ical Care, x2 counts ss. 145(2) Crim­i­nal Code — Fail to Attend Court. Wood­stock Court. Fined $500 for the SPCA Act charge, and 30 days cus­tody on each count under the C.C.
  • TUP­PER, Jer­ry W. NB SPCA file 2021 – 0503. SPCA Act ss. 20(2) Fail to Destroy Ani­mal in Humane Man­ner. Fred­er­ic­ton Court. Fined $500 and Pro­hi­bi­tion Order for 3 yrs but may keep dog cur­rent­ly in possession. 
  • MUR­RAY, Bruce L. NB SPCA file 2021 – 0756. SPCA Act ss 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Med­ical Care. Wood­stock Court. Fined $500 and Pro­hi­bi­tion Order for 2 yrs from own­ing cats or dogs. 
  • DUGUAY-LAGACE, Melis­sa. NB SPCA file 2021 – 1297. SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Food, Water and Care. Bathurst Court. Fined $500, pay resti­tu­tion to NB SPCA of $903.65, Pro­hi­bi­tion Order for 5 yrs except for 2 dogs and 2 cats cur­rent­ly in home.
2021 Convictions
  • DONAHUE, Kevin and DONAHUE, Donalda. NB SPCA File 2019 – 2765SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care and Criminal Code 446(2)(b) wilfully failed to provide suitable and adequate food, water, shelter and care. Moncton Court, NB.
    Sentence: Kevin was prohibited from owning animals for 5 years with the exception of 2 dogs he currently owns. Donalda was sentenced to 6 months house arrest and prohibited from owning animals for the remainder of her life, with the exception of 2 dogs currently owned. As their two dogs’ natural lives expire, only 1 pet is allowed.
  • FOURNIER, Jason A. J. NB SPCA file 2019 – 2930SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Provide Care. Moncton Court. No fine imposed, but Prohibition Order for 5 yrs.
  • PHIPPEN, Charles and BELL, Jennifer J. NB SPCA file 2019 – 3133 – Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Governance Act para. 8(1)(a) Permit dog to run at large. Woodstock Court. Fined $168 each.
  • DOUCETTE, Rayna L. NB SPCA file 2019 – 3196. — Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Governance Act para. 8(1)(a) Permit dog to run at large. Woodstock Court. Fined $168.
  • PARISÉ, Marie G. NB SPCA file 20 – 0497 — Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Governance Act para. 8(1)(a) Permit dog to run at large. Bathurst Court. Fined $168
  • LEAVITT, Candie L. NB SPCA file 2020 – 0543. Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Governance Act para. 8(1)(a) x3 counts — Permit dog to run at large. Saint John Court. Fined $140 on each count, Probation for 12 months.
  • LINDER, Nicole L. NB SPCA file 20 – 0610. Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Governance Act para. 8(1)(a) Permit dog to run at large. Woodstock Court. Fined $140 on each count.
  • DUNLEVY, Jodie L. NB SPCA file 20 – 0695. Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Governance Act para. 8(1)(a) Permit dog to run at large. Woodstock Court. Fined $172.50.
  • BROOKER, Stephen C. NB SPCA file 20 – 1395. SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Provide Water and Care. Woodstock Court. No fine or Prohibition Order imposed.
  • COULTER, Chancey M. NB SPCA file 2020 – 1621. SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Provide Medical Care. Fredericton Court. Fined $500, no Prohibition Order imposed. 
  • SOCK, Kelly and BROOKS, Mitchell. NB SPCA file 2020 – 2174. Fail to Provide Medical Care. Fredericton Court. Fined $1000 and lifetime Prohibition Orders imposed.
  • GALLANT, Terri L. J. NB SPCA file 2020 – 2976. SPCA Act ss. 24(2) Operating Pet Establishment Without a Licence. Miramichi Court. Fined $168.

2020 Convictions
  • LINT, Andrew & Kimberly. NB SPCA File #2019 – 1444SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: Prohibited from owning animals for a period of 5 years.
  • NORRAD, Sarah & SCHAFRICK, Robert. NB SPCA File #2019 – 0253SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Campbellton Court, NB.
    Sentence: 8 months probation, restitution in the amount of $222.28, prohibited from owning animals for a period of 2 years.
  • GREGG, Karen. NB SPCA File #2019 – 2022SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: No fine or prohibition order were imposed by the Judge.
  • LEBLANC, Jeannie. NB SPCA File #2019 – 1268SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Edmundston Court, NB.
    Sentence: Fined $600, prohibited from owning animals for a period of 2 years.
  • CORMIER, Omer. NB SPCA File #2019 – 2288SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Moncton Court, NB.
    Sentence: Fined $500, prohibited from owning animals for a period of 5 years.
  • LISTON, Gail. NB SPCA File #2019 – 2983SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate care. Springfield York Co., NB.
    Sentence: Fined $500.
  • FREEMAN, Everett. NB SPCA File #2019 – 2677SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate care. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: Fined $500, prohibited from owning animals with the exception of two (2) cats for a period of 1 year, restitution in the amount of $442.68.
  • REED, Joan. NB SPCA File #2019 – 1877 – Criminal Code S. 446(2) Willfully failed to provide care. Moncton Court, NB.
    Sentence: Ordered to make $500 donation to NBSPCA, prohibited from owning animals for a period of 5 years, 12 months probation.
  • THERRIEN, Luc. NB SPCA File #2020 – 0668SPCA Act S. 21(2) Improper transportation of animal. Edmundston Court, NB.
    Sentence: Fined $140.
  • STEFANDIES, Gloria. NB SPCA File #2019 – 0108 – Criminal Code S. 446(2) Willfully failed to provide food. Midgic, NB.
    Sentence: Ordered to make a donation to the NBSPCA, 6 months probation, prohibited from owning an animal with the exception of 1 dog for a period of 5 years.
  • COOK, Alex. NB SPCA File #2019 – 2124SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: Fined $750, prohibited from owning animals for a period of 2 years.
  • SAPPIER, Dwayne. NB SPCA File #2019 – 2656SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food.
    Sentence: No fine was imposed, but prohibited from owning animals for a period of 3 years.
  • MARTIN, Jeannette. NB SPCA File #2019 – 1454SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Edmundston Court, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine and prohibited from owning more than 1 dog for a period of 2 years.
  • PELKEY, Andrew. NB SPCA file 2019 – 1231SPCA Act s. 26 Tethering. Woodstock Court. No fine imposed.
  • SAPPIER, Priscilla. NB SPCA file 2019 – 1428SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Provide Food, Water, Shelter and Care. Woodstock Court. Fined $500 and Prohibition Order for 2 yrs.
  • CORMIER, Omer J. NB SPCA file 2019 – 2288SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Provide Care. Moncton Court. Fined $500., Prohibition Order for 5 yrs.
  • LANDRY, Michael G. NB SPCA file 2020 – 0062 – Provincial Offences Procedures Act (POPA) Breach Probation Order. Burton Court. Fined $240, Probation 2 yrs, restitution of $185.88.
  • CRAWFORD, Robin. NB SPCA file 2020 – 0162 — Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Governance Act para. 8(1)(a) Permit dog to run at large. Woodstock Court. Fined $140.
2019 Convictions
  • SPRINGER, Kyle. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0278 – Criminal Code of Canada S. 445.1(2)(b) Causing unnecessary pain and suffering . Hartland, NB.
    Sentence: 1 year imprisonment, prohibited from owning animals for 10 years following release.
    Comments: Dog abandoned in a rental home and left to starve to death. Joint investigation with the RCMP.
  • SCOTT, Alton. NB SPCA File #2017 – 2081SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: prohibited from owning pigs and sheep for 2 years.
  • LEVESQUE, Gerald. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0433SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Edmundston Court, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
  • BARRETT-BONNELL, Michael. NB SPCA File #2018 – 1212SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Edmundston Court, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
  • GAINES, Amanda. NB SPCA File #2018 – 2093SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food and care. Fredericton, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 3 years.
    Comments: Shepherd mix dog seized after being found severely underweight with overgrown toenails. After being fed properly, the dog gained 11 lbs in 2 weeks following seizure.
  • SMALLEY, Rhonda. NB SPCA File #2018 – 2150SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate care. Jemseg, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 10 years with the exception of 5 spayed/​neutered cats, and the dogs and horse currently in her possession.
    Comments: Colony of cats, most of which were sick with feline leukemia and living in unsanitary conditions. Total of 186 cats removed from the residence.
  • LANDRY, Michael. NB SPCA File #2019 – 0320SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate medical care. Waasis, NB.
    Sentence: $1000 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 5 years with the exception of his 1 cat.
    Comments: Elderly black lab mix dog seized after being found in an emaciated state with an enormous cancerous bone tumor on the hind leg. The leg was roughly 5 times the size of the healthy leg, and the dog had licked his bad foot through the skin so that muscle tissue and cartilage was visible. The dog was euthanized to end suffering.
  • FINNEMORE, James & Karen. NB SPCA File #2019 – 0105SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Woodstock, NB.
    Sentence: Each prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
    Comments: While animal protection officers were patrolling in Woodstock, they spotted a dog being walked by its owner that was clearly in very poor condition. The officers seized the dog due to poor body condition, an untreated flea infestation resulting in hair loss, and overgrown nails. After being provided with veterinary care, the dog recovered and was adopted to a new home.
  • VAUTOUR-LAGACE, Sebastien. NB SPCA File #2018 – 1467SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Lac Baker, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, prohibited from owning more than 1 dog, or residing in a home with more than 3 dogs, for a period of 3 years.
  • LACOMBE, Christopher. NB SPCA File #2018 – 2583SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Moncton Court, NB.
    Sentence: No penalty imposed.
  • SMITH, Evelyn. NB SPCA File #2019 – 0328SPCA Act S. 17.1(3) Abandoning an animal. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: $288 fine.
  • SISLER, Burt. NB SPCA File #2019 – 1000SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate care. Maugerville, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, prohibiting from acquiring any additional animals other than the 2 dogs and 2 cats currently in his possession for a period of 3 years.
  • DELONG, Dana. NB SPCA File #2019 – 1233SPCA Act S. 26 Tethering violation. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: $140 fine.
  • PINARD, Sophie. NB SPCA file 2019 – 1427. Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Governance Act para. 8(1)(a) and 8(1)(f) – Permit dog to run at large & Barking incessantly. Burton Court. Fined $172.50 on each count. 

2018 Convictions
  • KEITH, Bryan. NB SPCA File #2016 – 3526SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, $517.62 restitution order, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years with the exception of his current cat.
  • LEVESQUE, Armand. NB SPCA File #2017 – 0122SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Edmundston Court, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years with the exception of 1 cat.
  • GRIFFIN, Mark. NB SPCA File #2017 – 1893SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine.
  • DONOVAN, Andrew. NB SPCA File #2017 – 2900SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care, SPCA Act S. 25 Breach of prohibition order, Criminal Code of Canada S. 445.1 Causing unnecessary suffering. Hoyt, NB.
    Sentence: $4,300 fine, 30 days incarceration, prohibited from owning animals for the remainder of his life.
    Comments: The accused had a past conviction of neglect of his dogs and had been prohibited from owning animals for 5 years. Upon receiving a complaint of him possessing animals while prohibited, the officer found a dog, 4 cats, and 9 chickens in a dirty coop at the property. Three of the chickens had starved to death. The rest of the chickens were emaciated with no body fat and had assorted health concerns. The animals were all seized. One chicken was euthanized to end suffering. The remaining animals were adopted to new homes.
  • MCLAUGHLIN, Troy. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0064SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Vespra, NB.
    Sentence: $1300 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
    Comments: The accused’s dog was seized after being found to be in poor body condition (underweight) due to lack of food. The dog gained weight after being properly fed and was adopted to a new home.
  • LAVOIE, Sylvain. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0213SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Edmundston Court, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
  • LAFOREST, Daniel. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0284SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Edmundston Court, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, limited to the possession of no more than 20 chickens, 3 horses, 2 dogs, and 1 cat for 1 year.
  • WHITTAKER, Kelly. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0298 – Criminal Code of Canada S. 445.1(2)(b) Causing unnecessary suffering, Criminal Code of Canada S. 446(2)(b) Willfully failing to provide adequate food, water, shelter and/​or care. Prince of Wales, NB.
    Sentence: $200 fine, 1 year probation, prohibited from owning animals for 10 years.
    Comments: Officers seized approximately 30 animals from the accused’s hobby farm, including rabbits, pigs, and birds. No one was residing at the property. Several birds had died of starvation. All animals lacked food and water and were being kept in poor living conditions.
  • MICHAUD, Skyler. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0465SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 5 years.
  • SAVAGE, Viola. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0702SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Douglas, NB.
    Sentence: prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
    Comments: Multiple cats seized from residence due to unsanitary conditions. The cats were adopted to new homes.
  • BOYLE, Kayla. NB SPCA File #2018 – 1967SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Fredericton, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
    Comments: Dog was seized after being found in poor body condition. The dog was severely underweight with ribs, hip bones, and spine prominent. The dog was very hungry and after being dewormed and fed properly she gained weight and was adopted to a new home.
2017 Convictions
  • WALL, Lawrence. NB SPCA File #2014 – 0485SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care.
    Sentence: $1000 fine.
  • CYR, Mathieu. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0234SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. St-Andre, NB.
    Sentence: $1200 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
    Comments: Multiple dogs and cats seized from farm with untreated medical conditions, inadequate shelter from the winter cold, and poor body condition.
  • PHINNEY, Lyndsey. NB SPCA File #2015 – 2233SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Moncton Court, NB.
    Sentence: custodial time made concurrent to other criminal charges she was convicted of.
  • LEAVITT, Ronald Vincent. NB SPCA File #2015 – 4215SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: $650 fine, 6 months probation, $78 restitution order.
    Comments: horse.
  • WHEATON, Linda. NB SPCA File #2015 – 4281SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine.
  • MONK, Kelsey. NB SPCA File #2016 – 0027SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: $1119.57 restitution order, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years, 1 year probation.
  • HAYES, Edward. NB SPCA File #2016 – 0845SPCA Act S. 26 Tethering violation. Benton, NB.
    Sentence: $172.50 fine.
  • LLOYD, Thompson. NB SPCA File #2016 – 1933SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Mapledale, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, $1416.71 restitution order, prohibited from owning animals for 5 years.
    Comments: A lab mix and Doberman were both seized, one with a severe flea infestation and chronic skin infection, the other with a flea infestation and malnourished. The lab mix was humanely euthanized to end suffering as recovery was not likely, and the Doberman recovered and was adopted to a new home.
  • BOOTH, Shawn. NB SPCA File #2016 – 3460SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Minto, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, prohibited from owning dogs for 3 years.
    Comments: Female black lab mix was seized after being found chained outside unattended to a car in ‑30 degree temperatures. The rear door to the car was open and the dog was shivering with frost on her muzzle in the back seat, where snow and ice had accumulated inside. The dog did not suffer any lasting injury and was adopted to a new home.
  • MILLER, Christopher. NB SPCA File #2016 – 3669SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Canaan Forks, NB.
    Sentence: $1440 fine, $863.42 restitution order, prohibited from owning animals for 5 years.
    Comments: The accused’s Rottweiler suffered severe brain damage after having its head caught in a conibear trap while running at large. The trap was removed with bolt cutters by pedestrians who found the dog. When officers attended the next morning after receiving a complaint concerning the dog, the accused had not taken the dog for medical care and was in severe distress. The dog was seized but despite best efforts the dog passed away from brain swelling and bleeding, and a ruptured eye.
  • DIGNARD, Brian. NB SPCA File #2017 – 10352 counts SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Upper Knoxford, NB.
    Sentence: $1500 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 5 years with the exception of 1 cat.
    Comments: The investigation commenced after the accused surrendered 4 dogs to the Fredericton SPCA, one which was in severe distress and was subsequently euthanized. The dog was emaciated with a prolapsed uterus and a mass on its shoulder, and was very weak and lethargic. All dogs were filthy and covered in feces. It was found that the dogs had been living in a barn in their own feces. The remaining 3 dogs had minor health concerns but recovered and were adopted to new homes.
2016 Convictions
  • DONOVAN, Andrew. NB SPCA File #2014 – 3962SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Hoyt, NB.
    Sentence: $1800 fine, $818.11 restitution order, prohibited from owning animals for 5 years.
    Comments: 3 pitbulls were seized, 2 of which were emaciated from lack of food and 1 had open, infected wounds. The dogs recovered and were adopted to new homes.
  • ROY, Stéphane. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0881SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Edmundston Court, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine.
  • DENLEY, Robert. NB SPCA File #2015 – 1034SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Deer Island, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
    Comments: Dog seized due to inadequate care, second dog removed following sentencing.
  • CHADWICK, Twyla Gay. NB SPCA File #2015 – 1299SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 1 year.
  • HARVEY, Skye Elizabeth. NB SPCA File #2015 – 3020 – Criminal Code of Canada S. 446(2) Abandoned in distress, willfully failed to provide food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: $200 fine, 12 months probation, counseling, prohibited from owning or residing in a house with animals for 10 years.
    Comments: Cats abandoned in a crate in a field, some had died and the others were euthanized to end suffering.
  • BREWER, Jeremy. NB SPCA File #2015 – 3224SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Keswick, NB.
    Sentence: $1950 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 5 years.
    Comments: Owner left farm animals unattended for at least a week with no food or water. Multiple birds died of starvation and dehydration. Approximately 30 animals were removed including several species of birds, rabbits, and pigs.
  • KHOTYLEVA, Natalia. NB SPCA File #2015 – 3272SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Chipman, NB.
    Sentence: $720 fine, $402.44 restitution order, prohibited from owning animals 5 years.
    Comments: Old English Sheepdog was seized in horrendous condition. The dog was completely emaciated and would have soon starved to death, and was missing most of its hair from an untreated flea infestation. With regular feeding and flea treatment the dog made a full recovery and was adopted to a new home.
  • GIONET, Marco. NB SPCA File #2015 – 3446SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Bathurst Court, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 1 year.
  • NASON, Norman. NB SPCA File #2015 – 3755SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 10 years.
  • GREEN, Deena. NB SPCA File #2015 – 4173SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: 6 months probation, order to pay vet bills.
  • HACHEY, Maria. NB SPCA File #2015 – 4284SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: $300 fine, prohibited from owning a dog for 10 years (allowed to keep her cat).
  • PETS UNLIMITED. NB SPCA File #2016 – 0212SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Fredericton, NB.
    Sentence: $960 fine.
    Comments: Hamster found dying in isolation room of the pet store. Had become sick with wet tail” and left to suffer and die of dehydration.
  • DICKINSON, Amber. NB SPCA File #2016 – 0773SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. McAdam, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine.
    Comments: Dog found living in unsanitary conditions. Dog was being kept in a porch full of feces, some growing mould. Dog was otherwise in good body condition.
  • CROTEAU, Stephanie. NB SPCA File #2016 – 1045SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Coles Island, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, $900 restitution order, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
    Comments: Female pitbull was called in as a stray and had hundreds of porcupine quills in her face, mouth, and chest. She also had a flea infestation. It was found that the dog actually belonged to the complainant who had lied to the officer, and had left the dog suffering with quills all day. The dog required 3 surgeries to remove all the quills but recovered and was adopted to a new home.
  • NASON, Nancy. NB SPCA File #2016 – 1307SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Harvey, NB.
    Sentence: prohibited from owning animals for the remainder of her life.
    Comments: Elderly woman surrendered her husky mix dog to an SPCA shelter. The dog was suffering from a severe flea infestation and skin infection, overgrown nails, and dental issues. She was known to the shelter having surrendered several dogs in the past and accumulating more.
  • BOUCHER, Jacques. NB SPCA File #2016 – 1681SPCA Act S. 26 Tethering violation. Bathurst Court, NB.
    Sentence: $300 fine.
  • GILBERT, Beverly. NB SPCA File #2016 – 2251SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Zealand, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine.
    Comment: The accused had obtained an elderly husky from a family member who had passed away. The dog had a severe untreated flea infestation resulting in hair loss and skin infection. Fleas could visibly be seen from the dog at a distance. The dog was seized, treated, and adopted to a new home.
  • PAQUET, Claude. NB SPCA File #2016 – 2338 – Criminal Code of Canada S. 445.1(2)(b) Causing unnecessary suffering. Moncton, NB.
    Sentence: 1 year probation, prohibited from owning animals for 1 year, $100 fine, order to make $500 donation to charity or SPCA.
    Comments: An employee of the Greater Moncton SPCA at the time of the incident, the accused was witnessed striking a dog while working. He was immediately sent home and reported for animal cruelty and is no longer working for the organization.
2015 Convictions
  • SCRIMSHAW, Rachel. NB SPCA File #2014 – 1308SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Oromocto, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, $500 restitution order.
    Comments: An emaciated Bassett hound was found wandering in Oromocto. The dog was essentially a skeleton with no body fat. Despite best efforts, the dog continued to decline and was humanely euthanized. Post mortem examination found that the dog had undiagnosed cancer and had been left to suffer and waste away.
  • RANDALL, Charles. NB SPCA File #2014 – 3678SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Hanwell, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine and paid vet bills.
    Comments: Dog with severe untreated chronic skin infections. The dog was humanely euthanized to end suffering as recovery was not likely.
  • GALLANT, Joseph. NB SPCA File #2014 – 3966SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Fredericton, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
    Comment: Shepherd mix dog found in a van full of feces and garbage. Owner could not have dog in apartment so dog had been living in the van for weeks.
  • DUFOUR, Yvan. NB SPCA File #2014 – 4209SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Edmundston Court, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
  • DEMERCHANT, Walter. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0086SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Hartfield, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 1 year.
    Comments: Dog was seized after being found tied to a tree in ‑30 degree weather with absolutely no shelter. Ice was frozen to the fur on the dog’s legs and muzzle. The dog had been left unattended in the freezing cold for several hours. The dog did not have any lasting injury and was adopted to a new home.
  • BECKWITH, Tammy. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0192SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: prohibited from owning animals for 5 years.
  • BROWN, Andrew. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0248SPCA Act S. 26 Tethering violation. Grand Falls Court, NB.
    Sentence: $168 fine.
    SOUCY, Tammy. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0678SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 5 years.
  • TURNER, Harmony. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0965SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Maugerville, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, $304.99 restitution order, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
    Comments: Shepherd mix dog found running at large with a ruptured, infected, softball sized tumor near the rectum. The dog was euthanized to end suffering.
2014 Convictions
  • LAVOIE, Normand. NB SPCA File #2011 – 3027SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care, SPCA Act S. 23 Operating a Pet Establishment without a License. Edmundston Court, NB.
    Sentence: S. 18(2) – $1800 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 10 years with the exception of 2 domestic animals. S. 23 – $168 fine.
    Comments: Approximately 120 dogs seized from puppy mill operation.
  • VOLGMANN, Anthony. NB SPCA File #2013 – 2880 – Criminal Code of Canada S. 160 Bestiality. Moncton, NB.
    Sentence: 2 years supervised probation, conditions to not attend dog parks, shelters, SPCAs, vet clinics, or work/​volunteer with animals.
    Comments: Joint investigation with RCMP. NB SPCA was notified of posts on a US forum concerning a volunteer dog walker at the Moncton SPCA. Evidence was collected from the online forum, the suspect was identified, and the information was forwarded to the RCMP, who proceeded with a warrant, arrest, and charges.
  • REYNOLDS, Sarah. NB SPCA File #2013 – 3654SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Fredericton, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine.
    Comments: 4 cats were seized after being abandoned in an apartment without food and water. The cats were found to be eating garbage and their litter box was overflowing with feces. The cats recovered and were adopted to new homes.
  • RUBEC, Cynthia Ann. NB SPCA File #2013 – 3740SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Fredericton, NB.
    Sentence: prohibited from owning animals for 1 year.
    Comments: Officers seized 144 animals from the residence, including birds, pigs, dogs, cats, rodents, etc. The animals were living in filth with various untreated medical issues.
  • FOSTER, Robert. NB SPCA File #2014 – 0116SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Grand Falls Court, NB.
    Sentence: $360 fine.
    Comments: Inadequate care to a dog.
  • McCARRON, Tara. NB SPCA File #2014 – 3609SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Lincoln, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine.
    Comments: 2 dogs left alone in apartment for 5 days in own filth, no food or water. The dogs were adopted to new homes.
2013 Convictions
  • POWER, Julienne Elizabeth. NB SPCA File #2012 – 2002SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Caraquet Court, NB.
    Sentence: $100 restitution order, prohibited from owning animals for 3 years.
  • PETERSON, Corinne Lucille. NB SPCA File #2013 – 0309SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Fredericton, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine.
  • HENDERSON, Vivian. NB SPCA File #2013 – 1542SPCA Act S. 24 Breach of prohibition order. Royal Road, NB.
    Sentence: 6 months probation.
    Comments: Accused found to be in possession of 2 dogs while prohibited from doing so. Dogs were adopted to new homes.
  • PICKERILL, Ronald Kenneth. NB SPCA File #2013 – 3116SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Fredericton, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine.
    Comments: A small male poodle mix was found running at large in Fredericton. The dog was extremely matted, dirty, and covered in feces and urine, with overgrown nails and open wounds. The hind end was so badly matted with feces that the sex of the dog could not be determined until it was shaved. The dog was found to be 18 years old, and due to medical and behavioral conditions, the dog was humanely euthanized.
2012 Convictions
  • LEBLANC, Ray. NB SPCA File #2012 – 0133SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Edmundston Court, NB.
    Sentence: unknown fine, prohibited from owning more than 5 dogs for 5 years.
2011 Convictions
  • TOMALIN, Sandra. NB SPCA File #2010 – 0304SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Grand Falls Court, NB.
    Sentence: $1200 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 10 years.
    Comments: A total of 38 horses were seized from the property in poor conditions. Some recovered and were adopted to new homes while several were humanely euthanized.
  • LONGSTAFF, David. NB SPCA File #2010 – 0305SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 10 years.
2010 Convictions
  • GAGNON, David. NB SPCA File #2007 – 2009SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Grand Falls Court, NB.
    Sentence: $168 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 1 year.
  • ROGERS, Glen Lawrence. NB SPCA File #2009 – 0021SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: $600 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 5 years.
  • FOSTER, Desiree. NB SPCA File #2010 – 0044SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: $500 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 1 year.
2009 Convictions
  • HARRINGTON, Stephanie. NB SPCA File # 2008 – 0011SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: prohibited from owning animals for 1 year.
  • McCULLOUGH, Regina. NB SPCA File #2008 – 0034SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: $240 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 3 years.
2008 Convictions
  • HENDERSON, Vivian. NBSPCA File #2007-**** – SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Royal Road, NB.
    Sentence: prohibited from owning animals for the remainder of her life, with the exception of 4 dogs spayed/​neutered which cannot be replaced once they pass away.
  • DEVEREAUX, Laurian. NB SPCA File #2008 – 0001SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: $168 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
  • EDGETT, Emily. NB SPCA File # 2008-**** – SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sentence: prohibited from owning animals for 2 years.
  • LYONS, Norris & Darlene. NB SPCA File #2008 – 0017SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to provide adequate food, water, shelter, and/​or care. Woodstock Court, NB.
    Sentence: $100 fine, prohibited from owning animals for 3 years.