To Report Animal Cruelty
Call 1-877-722-1522

Do you sus­pect or have wit­nessed ani­mal cru­el­ty or neglect? Please Call our con­fi­den­tial 247 Hot­line at 18777221522

Thank you for doing your part to pro­tect and give these defence­less ani­mals a voice.

Help the inves­ti­gat­ing offi­cer by pro­vid­ing as many details as pos­si­ble, includ­ing (1) a descrip­tion of the ani­mal involved, (2) the type of cru­el­ty wit­nessed, (3) the date of the inci­dent, (4) where it took place, and (5) who was involved. 

All infor­ma­tion remains con­fi­den­tial, includ­ing the per­son who made the complaint.

Pro­tect­ing Animals

We main­tain a staff of full­time Ani­mal Pro­tec­tion Offi­cers who inves­ti­gate alle­ga­tions of ani­mal cru­el­ty and neglect. They pro­vide front­line pro­tec­tion for ani­mals across New Brunswick, respond­ing to almost 3,500 ani­mal cru­el­ty, neglect and ani­mal con­trol com­plaints every year.

Our Ani­mal Pro­tec­tion Offi­cers have the same author­i­ty as police offi­cers when enforc­ing leg­is­la­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly the Soci­ety for the Pre­ven­tion of Cru­el­ty to Ani­mals Act (RSNB 2014, c. 132) and the Crim­i­nal Code of Canada.

Action tak­en after inves­ti­gat­ing a report can progress from pro­vid­ing edu­ca­tion to issu­ing a com­pli­ance notice, to seiz­ing an ani­mal, to lay­ing charges where cir­cum­stances warrant.

What hap­pens when an ani­mal is tak­en into care by the NBSPCA?

When an ani­mal is tak­en into care by an Ani­mal Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer, the focus is on meet­ing their needs. They’re giv­en imme­di­ate med­ical care (if required) and tak­en to a part­ner shel­ter. Ani­mals can be in our care any­where from 48 hours to 15 days, depend­ing on the case. Dur­ing this hold­ing peri­od, we cov­er all costs relat­ed to the animal’s hous­ing, food and med­ical care. 

Once the hold­ing peri­od is up, the own­er is required to pay the asso­ci­at­ed bills. When the own­er does not pay the bills, the ani­mals become the prop­er­ty of the NBSP­CA and are released to a shel­ter to be adopt­ed. If the own­er does pay the asso­ci­at­ed bills, they may or may not get their ani­mals back, depend­ing on the case and whether charges are applicable.

Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

I’ve made a complaint. Will an officer contact me and tell me what he or she found?

The offi­cer will give you a fol­low-up call and a brief update, but due to pri­va­cy laws in New Brunswick, they may be lim­it­ed with what they can share.

What is the difference between an Animal Protection Officer and other volunteer rescuers?

After pass­ing an exam, Ani­mal Pro­tec­tion Offi­cers are appoint­ed by the Min­is­ter of Envi­ron­ment and local gov­ern­ment under the SPCA Act.

They are the only peo­ple in the province, oth­er than police offi­cers, with the pow­ers to enforce ani­mal cru­el­ty laws. Vol­un­teer res­cuers, res­cue groups, shel­ter work­ers, and ani­mal con­trol offi­cers do not have these powers. 

Do Protection Officers investigate all complaints made?

Yes. Every com­plaint that comes in to the NBSP­CA hot­line is inves­ti­gat­ed by the Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer in that spe­cif­ic area.

What is considered animal cruelty and neglect?

Neglect is the fail­ure to pro­vide ade­quate water, food, shel­ter and care. 

Exam­ples of neglect include: star­va­tion, dehy­dra­tion, inad­e­quate shel­ter, par­a­site infes­ta­tions, fail­ure to seek vet­eri­nary care when an ani­mal is in need of med­ical atten­tion, allow­ing a col­lar to grow into an animal’s skin, ven­ti­la­tion, space, unsan­i­tary con­di­tions, and fail­ure to trim hooves or nails result­ing in exces­sive growth. In some cas­es, neglect is a result of the owner’s ignorance.

Cru­el­ty and abuse involve phys­i­cal harm or injury inflict­ed on an ani­mal, such as beat­ing or poi­son­ing an animal.

Read the NBSP­CA Code of Prac­tice for the Care of Dogs in New Brunswick (2018).

What are the signs of neglect or cruelty?

Signs of neglect or cru­el­ty include, but aren’t lim­it­ed to: 

  • Wounds on the body, limp­ing, severe­ly over­grown nails, patch­es of miss­ing hair, etc.
  • Extreme­ly thin, starv­ing ani­mals with ribs or back­bone protruding
  • An own­er kick­ing, hit­ting or oth­er­wise phys­i­cal­ly abus­ing an animal
  • Ani­mals who have been wound­ed or have con­di­tions that have been left untreat­ed (e.g., hit by a car, severe flea or tick infes­ta­tion, tumours, abscess­es, etc.) 
  • Ani­mals who are repeat­ed­ly left alone with­out food and water
  • Ani­mals who are kept out­side with­out shel­ter in extreme weath­er conditions
  • Ani­mals left in a car on a hot day
  • Ani­mals crammed into tiny cages, over­crowd­ed or dirty con­di­tions, includ­ing being forced to stand in their own urine and excrement

Court Con­vic­tions

2023 Convictions

  • Moham­mad M. ISLAM. NB SPCA files 2022-059 2022 – 0538. Fail to Pro­vide Food, Water, Shel­ter, and Med­ical Care, Fred­er­ic­ton Court. Sen­tenced to 2 years Pro­ba­tion, with conditions 
  • Adam C. CARR. NB SPCA files 2022 – 3042. Per­mit­ted Dog to Run at Large, Wood­stock Court. Fined $168
  • MCLAUGH­LIN, Rebec­ca D.A. NB SPCA files 2022 – 0592 and 2022 – 0781. SPCA Act Fail to Obtain Rabies Vac­ci­na­tion and Per­mit Dog to Run at Large. Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Gov­er­nance Act ss. 6(2) and para. 8(1)(a). Wood­stock Court. Fined total of $668 and a 2‑yr Pro­ba­tion Order to keep dog leashed and muz­zled when outside. 
  • PINET, Tom­my . NB SPCA file 2021 – 0003. Fail to Pro­vide Food, Bathurst Court. Fined $500., Pro­ba­tion 8 months, resti­tu­tion $185, pro­hi­bi­tion from own­ing ani­mals for 5 years 
  • McCAR­TY, Dustin R. NB SPCA file 2023 – 0121. Allowed Dog to Run at Large, Wood­stock Court. Fined $140 
  • SARGE­FIELDAngela D. NB SPCA file 2023 – 0200. Failed to Pro­vide Shel­ter and Med­ical Care, Wood­stock Court. Fined $500., Pro­hib­it­ed 2 years from own­ing dogs
  • SAVOY, Robert . NB SPCA file 22 – 1800, Unsan­i­tary Con­di­tions, Fail to Pro­vide Med­ical Care, Bathurst Court. Fined $1200, Pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing dogs for 15 years; Pro­ba­tion for 2 years and ordered to pay resti­tu­tion to NBSP­CA in the amount of $3000
  • ABBOTT, Jamie-Lee F. NB SPCA file 2020 – 0377. Failed to Pro­vide Care, Monc­ton Court. Sen­tenced to 18 months Pro­ba­tion includ­ing the con­di­tion to make a $200 dona­tion to the NBSPCA
  • JOHN­SON, Joshua A. NB SPCA file 2021 – 2125. SPCA Act sub-sec­tion 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Med­ical Care. Saint John Court. Con­di­tion­al Sen­tence Order of 6 months, Pro­hi­bi­tion Order for 1 year, no fine imposed.
  • COTE, Megan L. NB SPCA file 2022 – 1089. SPCA Act sub-sec­tion 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Food and Med­ical Care, Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Gov­er­nance Act para­graph 8(1)(a) Per­mit dog to run at large. Wood­stock Court. Fined a total of $672.50.
  • TOM­LIN­SON, Lacey L. L. NB SPCA file 2022 – 3463 and 2023 – 0623. Reg 2022 – 36 Local Gov­er­nance Act sub-sec­tion. 5(1) Fail to Reg­is­ter Dog, sub-sec­tion 8(b) Fail to Vac­ci­nate, and 2 x para­graph 13(1)(a) Allow Dog to be At Large. Wood­stock Court. Fined $140.
  • Krista L. CAR­SON and Dwayne M. CAR­SON. NB SPCA file 2022 – 3502. Para­graph 446(2)(b) CC Fail to Pro­vide Shel­ter and Care. Saint John Court. Pro­hi­bi­tion Orders of 10 years each in acquir­ing or pos­sess­ing addi­tion­al ani­mals; each to pay $500 to NB SPCA
  • DUBE, Nadia. NB SPCA file 2023 – 0332. SPCA Act sub-sec­tion 24(2), sub-sec­tion 19(2) and sec­tion 31.2 — Oper­at­ing Pet Estab­lish­ment With­out a Licence, Fail to Pro­vide Food, and Fail to Pro­duce Ani­mals for Exam­i­na­tion. Edmund­ston Court. A fine total of $1030 and a Pro­hi­bi­tion Order for 3 years were imposed. 
  • THI­BODEAU, Brigitte. NB SPCA file 2021 – 3026. Crim­i­nal Code and SPCA Act sub-sec­tion. 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Food, Water & Care. Bathurst Court. A fine total of $1500, super­vised pro­ba­tion of 12 months, resti­tu­tion fees of $1569.34, and a Pro­hi­bi­tion Order for 10 years were imposed.
  • DURL­ING, Shel­ley D. NB SPCA file 22 – 3161. Para­graph 13(1)(a), sub-sec­tion 14(1) Reg­u­la­tion 2022 – 36 of the Local Gov­er­nance Act. Allowed Dog to run at large. Wood­stock Court. Fined $140 and ordered to pay resti­tu­tion of $1147.54 to NBSPCA
  • CAMP­BELL, Kevin B. NB SPCA file 22 – 2634. Sub-sec­tion 19(2) SPCA Act.  Failed to Pro­vide Med­ical Care. Wood­stock Court. Fined $500 and ordered to pay resti­tu­tion of $577.03 to NBSPCA.

2022 Convictions
  • DEMER­CHANT, Andrew. NB SPCA files 2018 – 0234 & 20 – 1857 SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Med­ical Care, x2 counts ss. 145(2) Crim­i­nal Code — Fail to Attend Court. Wood­stock Court. Fined $500 for the SPCA Act charge, and 30 days cus­tody on each count under the C.C. 
  • TUP­PER, Jer­ry W. NB SPCA file 2021 – 0503. SPCA Act ss. 20(2) Fail to Destroy Ani­mal in Humane Man­ner. Fred­er­ic­ton Court. Fined $500 and Pro­hi­bi­tion Order for 3 yrs but may keep dog cur­rent­ly in possession. 
  • MUR­RAY, Bruce L. NB SPCA file 2021 – 0756. SPCA Act ss 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Med­ical Care. Wood­stock Court. Fined $500 and Pro­hi­bi­tion Order for 2 yrs from own­ing cats or dogs. 
  • DUGUAY-LAGACE, Melis­sa. NB SPCA file 2021 – 1297. SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Food, Water and Care. Bathurst Court. Fined $500, pay resti­tu­tion to NB SPCA of $903.65, Pro­hi­bi­tion Order for 5 yrs except for 2 dogs and 2 cats cur­rent­ly in home.
2021 Convictions
  • DON­AHUE, Kevin and DON­AHUE, Don­al­da. NB SPCA File 2019 – 2765SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care and Crim­i­nal Code 446(2)(b) wil­ful­ly failed to pro­vide suit­able and ade­quate food, water, shel­ter and care. Monc­ton Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: Kevin was pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 5 years with the excep­tion of 2 dogs he cur­rent­ly owns. Don­al­da was sen­tenced to 6 months house arrest and pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for the remain­der of her life, with the excep­tion of 2 dogs cur­rent­ly owned. As their two dogs’ nat­ur­al lives expire, only 1 pet is allowed.
  • FOURNIER, Jason A. J. NB SPCA file 2019 – 2930SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Care. Monc­ton Court. No fine imposed, but Pro­hi­bi­tion Order for 5 yrs.
  • PHIP­PEN, Charles and BELL, Jen­nifer J. NB SPCA file 2019 – 3133 – Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Gov­er­nance Act para. 8(1)(a) Per­mit dog to run at large. Wood­stock Court. Fined $168 each.
  • DOUCETTE, Ray­na L. NB SPCA file 2019 – 3196. — Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Gov­er­nance Act para. 8(1)(a) Per­mit dog to run at large. Wood­stock Court. Fined $168.
  • PARISÉ, Marie G. NB SPCA file 20 – 0497 — Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Gov­er­nance Act para. 8(1)(a) Per­mit dog to run at large. Bathurst Court. Fined $168
  • LEAV­ITT, Can­die L. NB SPCA file 2020 – 0543. Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Gov­er­nance Act para. 8(1)(a) x3 counts — Per­mit dog to run at large. Saint John Court. Fined $140 on each count, Pro­ba­tion for 12 months.
  • LIN­DER, Nicole L. NB SPCA file 20 – 0610. Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Gov­er­nance Act para. 8(1)(a) Per­mit dog to run at large. Wood­stock Court. Fined $140 on each count.
  • DUN­LEVY, Jodie L. NB SPCA file 20 – 0695. Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Gov­er­nance Act para. 8(1)(a) Per­mit dog to run at large. Wood­stock Court. Fined $172.50.
  • BROOK­ER, Stephen C. NB SPCA file 20 – 1395. SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Water and Care. Wood­stock Court. No fine or Pro­hi­bi­tion Order imposed.
  • COUL­TER, Chancey M. NB SPCA file 2020 – 1621. SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Med­ical Care. Fred­er­ic­ton Court. Fined $500, no Pro­hi­bi­tion Order imposed. 
  • SOCK, Kel­ly and BROOKS, Mitchell. NB SPCA file 2020 – 2174. Fail to Pro­vide Med­ical Care. Fred­er­ic­ton Court. Fined $1000 and life­time Pro­hi­bi­tion Orders imposed.
  • GAL­LANT, Ter­ri L. J. NB SPCA file 2020 – 2976. SPCA Act ss. 24(2) Oper­at­ing Pet Estab­lish­ment With­out a Licence. Miramichi Court. Fined $168.

2020 Convictions
  • LINT, Andrew & Kim­ber­ly. NB SPCA File #2019 – 1444SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: Pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for a peri­od of 5 years.
  • NOR­RAD, Sarah & SCHAFRICK, Robert. NB SPCA File #2019 – 0253SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Camp­bell­ton Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: 8 months pro­ba­tion, resti­tu­tion in the amount of $222.28, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for a peri­od of 2 years.
  • GREGG, Karen. NB SPCA File #2019 – 2022SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: No fine or pro­hi­bi­tion order were imposed by the Judge.
  • LEBLANC, Jean­nie. NB SPCA File #2019 – 1268SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Edmund­ston Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: Fined $600, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for a peri­od of 2 years.
  • CORMI­ER, Omer. NB SPCA File #2019 – 2288SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Monc­ton Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: Fined $500, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for a peri­od of 5 years.
  • LIS­TON, Gail. NB SPCA File #2019 – 2983SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate care. Spring­field York Co., NB.
    Sen­tence: Fined $500.
  • FREE­MAN, Everett. NB SPCA File #2019 – 2677SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate care. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: Fined $500, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals with the excep­tion of two (2) cats for a peri­od of 1 year, resti­tu­tion in the amount of $442.68.
  • REED, Joan. NB SPCA File #2019 – 1877 – Crim­i­nal Code S. 446(2) Will­ful­ly failed to pro­vide care. Monc­ton Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: Ordered to make $500 dona­tion to NBSP­CA, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for a peri­od of 5 years, 12 months probation.
  • THER­RIEN, Luc. NB SPCA File #2020 – 0668SPCA Act S. 21(2) Improp­er trans­porta­tion of ani­mal. Edmund­ston Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: Fined $140.
  • STE­FANDIES, Glo­ria. NB SPCA File #2019 – 0108 – Crim­i­nal Code S. 446(2) Will­ful­ly failed to pro­vide food. Midg­ic, NB.
    Sen­tence: Ordered to make a dona­tion to the NBSP­CA, 6 months pro­ba­tion, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing an ani­mal with the excep­tion of 1 dog for a peri­od of 5 years.
  • COOK, Alex. NB SPCA File #2019 – 2124SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: Fined $750, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for a peri­od of 2 years.
  • SAP­PI­ER, Dwayne. NB SPCA File #2019 – 2656SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food.
    Sen­tence: No fine was imposed, but pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for a peri­od of 3 years.
  • MAR­TIN, Jean­nette. NB SPCA File #2019 – 1454SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Edmund­ston Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine and pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing more than 1 dog for a peri­od of 2 years.
  • PELKEY, Andrew. NB SPCA file 2019 – 1231SPCA Act s. 26 Teth­er­ing. Wood­stock Court. No fine imposed.
  • SAP­PI­ER, Priscil­la. NB SPCA file 2019 – 1428SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Food, Water, Shel­ter and Care. Wood­stock Court. Fined $500 and Pro­hi­bi­tion Order for 2 yrs.
  • CORMI­ER, Omer J. NB SPCA file 2019 – 2288SPCA Act ss. 19(2) Fail to Pro­vide Care. Monc­ton Court. Fined $500., Pro­hi­bi­tion Order for 5 yrs.
  • LANDRY, Michael G. NB SPCA file 2020 – 0062 – Provin­cial Offences Pro­ce­dures Act (POPA) Breach Pro­ba­tion Order. Bur­ton Court. Fined $240, Pro­ba­tion 2 yrs, resti­tu­tion of $185.88.
  • CRAW­FORD, Robin. NB SPCA file 2020 – 0162 — Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Gov­er­nance Act para. 8(1)(a) Per­mit dog to run at large. Wood­stock Court. Fined $140.
2019 Convictions
  • SPRINGER, Kyle. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0278 – Crim­i­nal Code of Cana­da S. 445.1(2)(b) Caus­ing unnec­es­sary pain and suf­fer­ing . Hart­land, NB.
    Sen­tence: 1 year impris­on­ment, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 10 years fol­low­ing release.
    Com­ments: Dog aban­doned in a rental home and left to starve to death. Joint inves­ti­ga­tion with the RCMP.
  • SCOTT, Alton. NB SPCA File #2017 – 2081SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing pigs and sheep for 2 years.
  • LEVESQUE, Ger­ald. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0433SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Edmund­ston Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
  • BAR­RETT-BON­NELL, Michael. NB SPCA File #2018 – 1212SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Edmund­ston Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
  • GAINES, Aman­da. NB SPCA File #2018 – 2093SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food and care. Fred­er­ic­ton, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 3 years.
    Com­ments: Shep­herd mix dog seized after being found severe­ly under­weight with over­grown toe­nails. After being fed prop­er­ly, the dog gained 11 lbs in 2 weeks fol­low­ing seizure.
  • SMAL­L­EY, Rhon­da. NB SPCA File #2018 – 2150SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate care. Jem­seg, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 10 years with the excep­tion of 5 spayed/​neutered cats, and the dogs and horse cur­rent­ly in her pos­ses­sion.
    Com­ments: Colony of cats, most of which were sick with feline leukemia and liv­ing in unsan­i­tary con­di­tions. Total of 186 cats removed from the residence.
  • LANDRY, Michael. NB SPCA File #2019 – 0320SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate med­ical care. Waa­sis, NB.
    Sen­tence: $1000 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 5 years with the excep­tion of his 1 cat.
    Com­ments: Elder­ly black lab mix dog seized after being found in an ema­ci­at­ed state with an enor­mous can­cer­ous bone tumor on the hind leg. The leg was rough­ly 5 times the size of the healthy leg, and the dog had licked his bad foot through the skin so that mus­cle tis­sue and car­ti­lage was vis­i­ble. The dog was euth­a­nized to end suffering.
  • FINNEMORE, James & Karen. NB SPCA File #2019 – 0105SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Wood­stock, NB.
    Sen­tence: Each pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
    Com­ments: While ani­mal pro­tec­tion offi­cers were patrolling in Wood­stock, they spot­ted a dog being walked by its own­er that was clear­ly in very poor con­di­tion. The offi­cers seized the dog due to poor body con­di­tion, an untreat­ed flea infes­ta­tion result­ing in hair loss, and over­grown nails. After being pro­vid­ed with vet­eri­nary care, the dog recov­ered and was adopt­ed to a new home.
  • VAU­TOUR-LAGACE, Sebastien. NB SPCA File #2018 – 1467SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Lac Bak­er, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing more than 1 dog, or resid­ing in a home with more than 3 dogs, for a peri­od of 3 years.
  • LACOMBE, Christo­pher. NB SPCA File #2018 – 2583SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Monc­ton Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: No penal­ty imposed.
  • SMITH, Eve­lyn. NB SPCA File #2019 – 0328SPCA Act S. 17.1(3) Aban­don­ing an ani­mal. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $288 fine.
  • SISLER, Burt. NB SPCA File #2019 – 1000SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate care. Maugerville, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, pro­hibit­ing from acquir­ing any addi­tion­al ani­mals oth­er than the 2 dogs and 2 cats cur­rent­ly in his pos­ses­sion for a peri­od of 3 years.
  • DELONG, Dana. NB SPCA File #2019 – 1233SPCA Act S. 26 Teth­er­ing vio­la­tion. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $140 fine.
  • PINARD, Sophie. NB SPCA file 2019 – 1427. Reg 84 – 85 Mun. Act/​Local Gov­er­nance Act para. 8(1)(a) and 8(1)(f) – Per­mit dog to run at large & Bark­ing inces­sant­ly. Bur­ton Court. Fined $172.50 on each count. 

2018 Convictions
  • KEI­TH, Bryan. NB SPCA File #2016 – 3526SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, $517.62 resti­tu­tion order, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years with the excep­tion of his cur­rent cat.
  • LEVESQUE, Armand. NB SPCA File #2017 – 0122SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Edmund­ston Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years with the excep­tion of 1 cat.
  • GRIF­FIN, Mark. NB SPCA File #2017 – 1893SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine.
  • DONO­VAN, Andrew. NB SPCA File #2017 – 2900SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care, SPCA Act S. 25 Breach of pro­hi­bi­tion order, Crim­i­nal Code of Cana­da S. 445.1 Caus­ing unnec­es­sary suf­fer­ing. Hoyt, NB.
    Sen­tence: $4,300 fine, 30 days incar­cer­a­tion, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for the remain­der of his life.
    Com­ments: The accused had a past con­vic­tion of neglect of his dogs and had been pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 5 years. Upon receiv­ing a com­plaint of him pos­sess­ing ani­mals while pro­hib­it­ed, the offi­cer found a dog, 4 cats, and 9 chick­ens in a dirty coop at the prop­er­ty. Three of the chick­ens had starved to death. The rest of the chick­ens were ema­ci­at­ed with no body fat and had assort­ed health con­cerns. The ani­mals were all seized. One chick­en was euth­a­nized to end suf­fer­ing. The remain­ing ani­mals were adopt­ed to new homes.
  • MCLAUGH­LIN, Troy. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0064SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Vespra, NB.
    Sen­tence: $1300 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
    Com­ments: The accused’s dog was seized after being found to be in poor body con­di­tion (under­weight) due to lack of food. The dog gained weight after being prop­er­ly fed and was adopt­ed to a new home.
  • LAVOIE, Syl­vain. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0213SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Edmund­ston Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
  • LAFOR­EST, Daniel. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0284SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Edmund­ston Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, lim­it­ed to the pos­ses­sion of no more than 20 chick­ens, 3 hors­es, 2 dogs, and 1 cat for 1 year.
  • WHIT­TAK­ER, Kel­ly. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0298 – Crim­i­nal Code of Cana­da S. 445.1(2)(b) Caus­ing unnec­es­sary suf­fer­ing, Crim­i­nal Code of Cana­da S. 446(2)(b) Will­ful­ly fail­ing to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter and/​or care. Prince of Wales, NB.
    Sen­tence: $200 fine, 1 year pro­ba­tion, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 10 years.
    Com­ments: Offi­cers seized approx­i­mate­ly 30 ani­mals from the accused’s hob­by farm, includ­ing rab­bits, pigs, and birds. No one was resid­ing at the prop­er­ty. Sev­er­al birds had died of star­va­tion. All ani­mals lacked food and water and were being kept in poor liv­ing conditions.
  • MICHAUD, Skyler. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0465SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 5 years.
  • SAV­AGE, Vio­la. NB SPCA File #2018 – 0702SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Dou­glas, NB.
    Sen­tence: pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
    Com­ments: Mul­ti­ple cats seized from res­i­dence due to unsan­i­tary con­di­tions. The cats were adopt­ed to new homes.
  • BOYLE, Kay­la. NB SPCA File #2018 – 1967SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Fred­er­ic­ton, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
    Com­ments: Dog was seized after being found in poor body con­di­tion. The dog was severe­ly under­weight with ribs, hip bones, and spine promi­nent. The dog was very hun­gry and after being dewormed and fed prop­er­ly she gained weight and was adopt­ed to a new home.
2017 Convictions
  • WALL, Lawrence. NB SPCA File #2014 – 0485SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care.
    Sen­tence: $1000 fine.
  • CYR, Math­ieu. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0234SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. St-Andre, NB.
    Sen­tence: $1200 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
    Com­ments: Mul­ti­ple dogs and cats seized from farm with untreat­ed med­ical con­di­tions, inad­e­quate shel­ter from the win­ter cold, and poor body condition.
  • PHIN­NEY, Lyn­d­sey. NB SPCA File #2015 – 2233SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Monc­ton Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: cus­to­di­al time made con­cur­rent to oth­er crim­i­nal charges she was con­vict­ed of.
  • LEAV­ITT, Ronald Vin­cent. NB SPCA File #2015 – 4215SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $650 fine, 6 months pro­ba­tion, $78 resti­tu­tion order.
    Com­ments: horse.
  • WHEATON, Lin­da. NB SPCA File #2015 – 4281SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine.
  • MONK, Kelsey. NB SPCA File #2016 – 0027SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $1119.57 resti­tu­tion order, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years, 1 year probation.
  • HAYES, Edward. NB SPCA File #2016 – 0845SPCA Act S. 26 Teth­er­ing vio­la­tion. Ben­ton, NB.
    Sen­tence: $172.50 fine.
  • LLOYD, Thomp­son. NB SPCA File #2016 – 1933SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Mapledale, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, $1416.71 resti­tu­tion order, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 5 years.
    Com­ments: A lab mix and Dober­man were both seized, one with a severe flea infes­ta­tion and chron­ic skin infec­tion, the oth­er with a flea infes­ta­tion and mal­nour­ished. The lab mix was humane­ly euth­a­nized to end suf­fer­ing as recov­ery was not like­ly, and the Dober­man recov­ered and was adopt­ed to a new home.
  • BOOTH, Shawn. NB SPCA File #2016 – 3460SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Minto, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing dogs for 3 years.
    Com­ments: Female black lab mix was seized after being found chained out­side unat­tend­ed to a car in ‑30 degree tem­per­a­tures. The rear door to the car was open and the dog was shiv­er­ing with frost on her muz­zle in the back seat, where snow and ice had accu­mu­lat­ed inside. The dog did not suf­fer any last­ing injury and was adopt­ed to a new home.
  • MILLER, Christo­pher. NB SPCA File #2016 – 3669SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Canaan Forks, NB.
    Sen­tence: $1440 fine, $863.42 resti­tu­tion order, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 5 years.
    Com­ments: The accused’s Rot­tweil­er suf­fered severe brain dam­age after hav­ing its head caught in a conibear trap while run­ning at large. The trap was removed with bolt cut­ters by pedes­tri­ans who found the dog. When offi­cers attend­ed the next morn­ing after receiv­ing a com­plaint con­cern­ing the dog, the accused had not tak­en the dog for med­ical care and was in severe dis­tress. The dog was seized but despite best efforts the dog passed away from brain swelling and bleed­ing, and a rup­tured eye.
  • DIG­NARD, Bri­an. NB SPCA File #2017 – 10352 counts SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Upper Knox­ford, NB.
    Sen­tence: $1500 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 5 years with the excep­tion of 1 cat.
    Com­ments: The inves­ti­ga­tion com­menced after the accused sur­ren­dered 4 dogs to the Fred­er­ic­ton SPCA, one which was in severe dis­tress and was sub­se­quent­ly euth­a­nized. The dog was ema­ci­at­ed with a pro­lapsed uterus and a mass on its shoul­der, and was very weak and lethar­gic. All dogs were filthy and cov­ered in feces. It was found that the dogs had been liv­ing in a barn in their own feces. The remain­ing 3 dogs had minor health con­cerns but recov­ered and were adopt­ed to new homes.
2016 Convictions
  • DONO­VAN, Andrew. NB SPCA File #2014 – 3962SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Hoyt, NB.
    Sen­tence: $1800 fine, $818.11 resti­tu­tion order, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 5 years.
    Com­ments: 3 pit­bulls were seized, 2 of which were ema­ci­at­ed from lack of food and 1 had open, infect­ed wounds. The dogs recov­ered and were adopt­ed to new homes.
  • ROY, Stéphane. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0881SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Edmund­ston Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine.
  • DEN­LEY, Robert. NB SPCA File #2015 – 1034SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Deer Island, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
    Com­ments: Dog seized due to inad­e­quate care, sec­ond dog removed fol­low­ing sentencing.
  • CHAD­WICK, Twyla Gay. NB SPCA File #2015 – 1299SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 1 year.
  • HAR­VEY, Skye Eliz­a­beth. NB SPCA File #2015 – 3020 – Crim­i­nal Code of Cana­da S. 446(2) Aban­doned in dis­tress, will­ful­ly failed to pro­vide food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $200 fine, 12 months pro­ba­tion, coun­sel­ing, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing or resid­ing in a house with ani­mals for 10 years.
    Com­ments: Cats aban­doned in a crate in a field, some had died and the oth­ers were euth­a­nized to end suffering.
  • BREW­ER, Jere­my. NB SPCA File #2015 – 3224SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Keswick, NB.
    Sen­tence: $1950 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 5 years.
    Com­ments: Own­er left farm ani­mals unat­tend­ed for at least a week with no food or water. Mul­ti­ple birds died of star­va­tion and dehy­dra­tion. Approx­i­mate­ly 30 ani­mals were removed includ­ing sev­er­al species of birds, rab­bits, and pigs.
  • KHOTYL­E­VA, Natalia. NB SPCA File #2015 – 3272SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Chip­man, NB.
    Sen­tence: $720 fine, $402.44 resti­tu­tion order, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals 5 years.
    Com­ments: Old Eng­lish Sheep­dog was seized in hor­ren­dous con­di­tion. The dog was com­plete­ly ema­ci­at­ed and would have soon starved to death, and was miss­ing most of its hair from an untreat­ed flea infes­ta­tion. With reg­u­lar feed­ing and flea treat­ment the dog made a full recov­ery and was adopt­ed to a new home.
  • GIONET, Mar­co. NB SPCA File #2015 – 3446SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Bathurst Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 1 year.
  • NASON, Nor­man. NB SPCA File #2015 – 3755SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 10 years.
  • GREEN, Deena. NB SPCA File #2015 – 4173SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: 6 months pro­ba­tion, order to pay vet bills.
  • HACHEY, Maria. NB SPCA File #2015 – 4284SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $300 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing a dog for 10 years (allowed to keep her cat).
  • PETS UNLIM­IT­ED. NB SPCA File #2016 – 0212SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Fred­er­ic­ton, NB.
    Sen­tence: $960 fine.
    Com­ments: Ham­ster found dying in iso­la­tion room of the pet store. Had become sick with wet tail” and left to suf­fer and die of dehydration.
  • DICK­IN­SON, Amber. NB SPCA File #2016 – 0773SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. McAdam, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine.
    Com­ments: Dog found liv­ing in unsan­i­tary con­di­tions. Dog was being kept in a porch full of feces, some grow­ing mould. Dog was oth­er­wise in good body condition.
  • CROTEAU, Stephanie. NB SPCA File #2016 – 1045SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Coles Island, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, $900 resti­tu­tion order, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
    Com­ments: Female pit­bull was called in as a stray and had hun­dreds of por­cu­pine quills in her face, mouth, and chest. She also had a flea infes­ta­tion. It was found that the dog actu­al­ly belonged to the com­plainant who had lied to the offi­cer, and had left the dog suf­fer­ing with quills all day. The dog required 3 surg­eries to remove all the quills but recov­ered and was adopt­ed to a new home.
  • NASON, Nan­cy. NB SPCA File #2016 – 1307SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Har­vey, NB.
    Sen­tence: pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for the remain­der of her life.
    Com­ments: Elder­ly woman sur­ren­dered her husky mix dog to an SPCA shel­ter. The dog was suf­fer­ing from a severe flea infes­ta­tion and skin infec­tion, over­grown nails, and den­tal issues. She was known to the shel­ter hav­ing sur­ren­dered sev­er­al dogs in the past and accu­mu­lat­ing more.
  • BOUCH­ER, Jacques. NB SPCA File #2016 – 1681SPCA Act S. 26 Teth­er­ing vio­la­tion. Bathurst Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $300 fine.
  • GILBERT, Bev­er­ly. NB SPCA File #2016 – 2251SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Zealand, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine.
    Com­ment: The accused had obtained an elder­ly husky from a fam­i­ly mem­ber who had passed away. The dog had a severe untreat­ed flea infes­ta­tion result­ing in hair loss and skin infec­tion. Fleas could vis­i­bly be seen from the dog at a dis­tance. The dog was seized, treat­ed, and adopt­ed to a new home.
  • PAQUET, Claude. NB SPCA File #2016 – 2338 – Crim­i­nal Code of Cana­da S. 445.1(2)(b) Caus­ing unnec­es­sary suf­fer­ing. Monc­ton, NB.
    Sen­tence: 1 year pro­ba­tion, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 1 year, $100 fine, order to make $500 dona­tion to char­i­ty or SPCA.
    Com­ments: An employ­ee of the Greater Monc­ton SPCA at the time of the inci­dent, the accused was wit­nessed strik­ing a dog while work­ing. He was imme­di­ate­ly sent home and report­ed for ani­mal cru­el­ty and is no longer work­ing for the organization.
2015 Convictions
  • SCRIMSHAW, Rachel. NB SPCA File #2014 – 1308SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Oro­moc­to, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, $500 resti­tu­tion order.
    Com­ments: An ema­ci­at­ed Bas­sett hound was found wan­der­ing in Oro­moc­to. The dog was essen­tial­ly a skele­ton with no body fat. Despite best efforts, the dog con­tin­ued to decline and was humane­ly euth­a­nized. Post mortem exam­i­na­tion found that the dog had undi­ag­nosed can­cer and had been left to suf­fer and waste away.
  • RAN­DALL, Charles. NB SPCA File #2014 – 3678SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Han­well, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine and paid vet bills.
    Com­ments: Dog with severe untreat­ed chron­ic skin infec­tions. The dog was humane­ly euth­a­nized to end suf­fer­ing as recov­ery was not likely.
  • GAL­LANT, Joseph. NB SPCA File #2014 – 3966SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Fred­er­ic­ton, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
    Com­ment: Shep­herd mix dog found in a van full of feces and garbage. Own­er could not have dog in apart­ment so dog had been liv­ing in the van for weeks.
  • DUFOUR, Yvan. NB SPCA File #2014 – 4209SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Edmund­ston Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
  • DEMER­CHANT, Wal­ter. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0086SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Hart­field, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 1 year.
    Com­ments: Dog was seized after being found tied to a tree in ‑30 degree weath­er with absolute­ly no shel­ter. Ice was frozen to the fur on the dog’s legs and muz­zle. The dog had been left unat­tend­ed in the freez­ing cold for sev­er­al hours. The dog did not have any last­ing injury and was adopt­ed to a new home.
  • BECK­WITH, Tam­my. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0192SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 5 years.
  • BROWN, Andrew. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0248SPCA Act S. 26 Teth­er­ing vio­la­tion. Grand Falls Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $168 fine.
    SOUCY, Tam­my. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0678SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 5 years.
  • TURN­ER, Har­mo­ny. NB SPCA File #2015 – 0965SPCA Act S. 19(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Maugerville, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, $304.99 resti­tu­tion order, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
    Com­ments: Shep­herd mix dog found run­ning at large with a rup­tured, infect­ed, soft­ball sized tumor near the rec­tum. The dog was euth­a­nized to end suffering.
2014 Convictions
  • LAVOIE, Nor­mand. NB SPCA File #2011 – 3027SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care, SPCA Act S. 23 Oper­at­ing a Pet Estab­lish­ment with­out a License. Edmund­ston Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: S. 18(2) – $1800 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 10 years with the excep­tion of 2 domes­tic ani­mals. S. 23 – $168 fine.
    Com­ments: Approx­i­mate­ly 120 dogs seized from pup­py mill operation.
  • VOL­GMANN, Antho­ny. NB SPCA File #2013 – 2880 – Crim­i­nal Code of Cana­da S. 160 Bes­tial­i­ty. Monc­ton, NB.
    Sen­tence: 2 years super­vised pro­ba­tion, con­di­tions to not attend dog parks, shel­ters, SPCAs, vet clin­ics, or work/​volunteer with ani­mals.
    Com­ments: Joint inves­ti­ga­tion with RCMP. NB SPCA was noti­fied of posts on a US forum con­cern­ing a vol­un­teer dog walk­er at the Monc­ton SPCA. Evi­dence was col­lect­ed from the online forum, the sus­pect was iden­ti­fied, and the infor­ma­tion was for­ward­ed to the RCMP, who pro­ceed­ed with a war­rant, arrest, and charges.
  • REYNOLDS, Sarah. NB SPCA File #2013 – 3654SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Fred­er­ic­ton, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine.
    Com­ments: 4 cats were seized after being aban­doned in an apart­ment with­out food and water. The cats were found to be eat­ing garbage and their lit­ter box was over­flow­ing with feces. The cats recov­ered and were adopt­ed to new homes.
  • RUBEC, Cyn­thia Ann. NB SPCA File #2013 – 3740SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Fred­er­ic­ton, NB.
    Sen­tence: pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 1 year.
    Com­ments: Offi­cers seized 144 ani­mals from the res­i­dence, includ­ing birds, pigs, dogs, cats, rodents, etc. The ani­mals were liv­ing in filth with var­i­ous untreat­ed med­ical issues.
  • FOS­TER, Robert. NB SPCA File #2014 – 0116SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Grand Falls Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $360 fine.
    Com­ments: Inad­e­quate care to a dog.
  • McCAR­RON, Tara. NB SPCA File #2014 – 3609SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Lin­coln, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine.
    Com­ments: 2 dogs left alone in apart­ment for 5 days in own filth, no food or water. The dogs were adopt­ed to new homes.
2013 Convictions
  • POW­ER, Juli­enne Eliz­a­beth. NB SPCA File #2012 – 2002SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Cara­quet Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $100 resti­tu­tion order, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 3 years.
  • PETER­SON, Corinne Lucille. NB SPCA File #2013 – 0309SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Fred­er­ic­ton, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine.
  • HEN­DER­SON, Vivian. NB SPCA File #2013 – 1542SPCA Act S. 24 Breach of pro­hi­bi­tion order. Roy­al Road, NB.
    Sen­tence: 6 months pro­ba­tion.
    Com­ments: Accused found to be in pos­ses­sion of 2 dogs while pro­hib­it­ed from doing so. Dogs were adopt­ed to new homes.
  • PICK­ER­ILL, Ronald Ken­neth. NB SPCA File #2013 – 3116SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Fred­er­ic­ton, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine.
    Com­ments: A small male poo­dle mix was found run­ning at large in Fred­er­ic­ton. The dog was extreme­ly mat­ted, dirty, and cov­ered in feces and urine, with over­grown nails and open wounds. The hind end was so bad­ly mat­ted with feces that the sex of the dog could not be deter­mined until it was shaved. The dog was found to be 18 years old, and due to med­ical and behav­ioral con­di­tions, the dog was humane­ly euthanized.
2012 Convictions
  • LEBLANC, Ray. NB SPCA File #2012 – 0133SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Edmund­ston Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: unknown fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing more than 5 dogs for 5 years.
2011 Convictions
  • TOMA­LIN, San­dra. NB SPCA File #2010 – 0304SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Grand Falls Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $1200 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 10 years.
    Com­ments: A total of 38 hors­es were seized from the prop­er­ty in poor con­di­tions. Some recov­ered and were adopt­ed to new homes while sev­er­al were humane­ly euthanized.
  • LONGSTAFF, David. NB SPCA File #2010 – 0305SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 10 years.
2010 Convictions
  • GAGNON, David. NB SPCA File #2007 – 2009SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Grand Falls Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $168 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 1 year.
  • ROGERS, Glen Lawrence. NB SPCA File #2009 – 0021SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $600 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 5 years.
  • FOS­TER, Desiree. NB SPCA File #2010 – 0044SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $500 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 1 year.
2009 Convictions
  • HAR­RING­TON, Stephanie. NB SPCA File # 2008 – 0011SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 1 year.
  • McCUL­LOUGH, Regi­na. NB SPCA File #2008 – 0034SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $240 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 3 years.
2008 Convictions
  • HEN­DER­SON, Vivian. NBSP­CA File #2007-**** – SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Roy­al Road, NB.
    Sen­tence: pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for the remain­der of her life, with the excep­tion of 4 dogs spayed/​neutered which can­not be replaced once they pass away.
  • DEV­EREAUX, Lau­ri­an. NB SPCA File #2008 – 0001SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $168 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
  • EDGETT, Emi­ly. NB SPCA File # 2008-**** – SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Saint John Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 2 years.
  • LYONS, Nor­ris & Dar­lene. NB SPCA File #2008 – 0017SPCA Act S. 18(2) Failed to pro­vide ade­quate food, water, shel­ter, and/​or care. Wood­stock Court, NB.
    Sen­tence: $100 fine, pro­hib­it­ed from own­ing ani­mals for 3 years.

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