Norman, NBSPCA’s top cat, was an abandoned animal

Meet Norman, the office cat at the New Brunswick SPCA’s (NBSPCA) Fredericton headquarters. Norman is a friendly feline that has become the unofficial greeter, guardian, and morale booster for all the staff members in Fredericton – a far cry from his plight as an abandoned cat in a vacant apartment.

Everybody loves Norman,” said Lesley Rogers, NBSPCA executive director, and Norman’s assistant’. He keeps a close eye on all office activity and is friendly to all our two-legged visitors. But he has a suspicious gaze for any dogs that visit our office.”

In March 2022, the NBSPCA received a call from the Greater Saint John area about an abandoned and lonely cat. After being left by his previous owner in an apartment, cleaners found Norman and called the NBSPCA dispatch number. An Animal Protection Officer retrieved Norman, transporting him to an animal shelter and the start of a better life. 

Charlotte County SPCA shelter staff ensured Norman received proper care, a health check-up, was neutered, and had his vaccines up to date before he was ready for adoption. The lucky cat was adopted by the NBSPCA shortly afterward and now thinks he is running the place. 

Unfortunately, Norman’s tale is often repeated in New Brunswick. In 2022, the NBSPCA received 141 animal abandonment calls. Pets cannot fend for themselves and need constant attention and supervision. 

If your housing situation has changed, you have a medical emergency, or you find yourself no longer able to care for your pet, please seek assistance from a family member, your local animal shelter, or a rescue organization. Do not abandon your pet to fend for itself. 

Many animal shelters offer programs to help pet owners during difficult financial times, with pet food, and in some instances, can offer support with medical emergencies. Most shelters have policies on surrendering pets for rehoming. Contact a shelter near you https://​nbsp​ca​.ca/​f​i​n​d​-​y​o​u​r​-​l​o​c​a​l​-​s​h​elter

The New Brunswick SPCA wants to ensure no animal has to experience Norman’s plight before becoming a loved pet. Animal lovers, let’s commit and encourage responsible pet ownership.

If you hear or know of an abandoned animal, give the NBSPCA a call at our 247 hotline 18777221522.

About New Brunswick SPCA

Founded in 1881, New Brunswick SPCA (NBSCPA) is the only province-wide organization mandated to enforce animal protection laws. A dedicated team of 15 Animal Protection Officers is vested with the authority under the SPCA Act of New Brunswick to investigate and, if necessary, lay charges, seize animals, or recommend court orders to persons suspected of abuse and cruelty to animals. 

The NBSPCA is a registered charity that exists to provide province-wide leadership in the humane treatment of animals. We enforce relevant legislation, ensure shelter for neglected or abused domesticated animals and agricultural animals, and provide public education and advocacy to empower New Brunswickers to help animals live long and healthy lives. 

To learn more visit nbsp​ca​.ca.