Dog owner sentenced to jail

Date: Thursday, February 082024

For Immediate Release

Dog owner sentenced to jail

Fredericton, New Brunswick – Bernard Bouchard of Miramichi has been sentenced for animal cruelty. Bouchard was convicted in Miramichi Provincial Court on February 6, 2024, for failing to provide a dog with adequate medical attention when the animal was wounded and willful neglect in providing food, water, shelter, and care under the SPCA Act of New Brunswick and the Criminal Code of Canada. The sentencing included 45 days of jail time (to be served at home), a 20-year prohibition from owning any animals, restitution of $821, and a $500 fine. 

In addition, the court convicted Hugo Bouchard for failing to provide a dog with medical attention and sentenced him to a 20-year prohibition from owning animals, and a fine of $500.

On June 21, 2022, Animal Protection Officers of the New Brunswick SPCA responded to a report of a neglected dog (‑new-life-for-link). The dog Link” was found chained in the backyard with the chain embedded in his neck. Link was immediately rescued by the attending Animal Protection Officer and taken for medical treatment. I am very proud of the excellent work and dedication of our Animal Protection Officers in ensuring a successful conclusion to this case”, said Tony Porter, Chief Animal Protection Officer at the New Brunswick SPCA

Link’s was a very serious case of animal cruelty. The sentence given by the judge in this case should serve as a reminder to pet owners that if you fail to look after your animals, you could face serious consequences,” said Porter. 

The NBSPCA has experienced a continuous increase in calls related to animal welfare between 2020 and 2023. Of concern is the 62% increase in serious cases related to animals injured/​requiring medical attention or inadequate food, water, and shelter, during this time.

Pet owners are legally responsible to provide for the care of their animals. If you are unable to care for your animals, please reach out for help from friends or family members for assistance. Another option would be to reach out to your local SPCA Animal Shelter, local Cat/​Dog Rescue group, or the NBSPCA. These professionals can help by either taking in the animal or giving you options that would keep your pet safe while looking for a new home.

If you suspect or witness animal cruelty or neglect, please call the New Brunswick SPCA 247 hotline at 18777221522.

About New Brunswick SPCA

Founded in 1881, New Brunswick SPCA (NBSCPA) is the only province-wide organization mandated to enforce animal protection laws. A dedicated team of 15 Animal Protection Officers is vested with the authority under the SPCA Act of New Brunswick to investigate and, if necessary, lay charges, seize animals, or recommend court orders to persons suspected of abuse and cruelty to animals. 

The NBSPCA is a registered charity that exists to provide province-wide leadership in the humane treatment of animals. We enforce relevant legislation, ensure shelter for neglected or abused domesticated animals and agricultural animals, and provide public education and advocacy to empower New Brunswickers to help animals live long and healthy lives. 

To learn more visit www​.nbsp​ca​.ca

Media Contact:

Mir Hyder

Marketing and Communications Manager

New Brunswick SPCA


Available for Interview:

Tony Porter

Chief Animal Protection Officer

New Brunswick SPCA