Bathurst Court fines and bans a woman from owning animals for 10 years

The New Brunswick SPCA received a com­plaint on Novem­ber 23, 2021, that Brigitte Thi­bodeau, own­er of five dogs and four cats was not pro­vid­ing any food and water and keep­ing her pets in unsan­i­tary con­di­tions at her home in North-West­ern, New Brunswick. 

On enter­ing the house, the Offi­cers found an over­whelm­ing smell of urine and feces. There were three dogs, one cat, and a dead ham­ster in a cage. The house was in a mess with garbage, urine, and feces all over the floor. 

All the ani­mals were seized and tak­en to a Vet­eri­nary Hos­pi­tal for exam­i­na­tion. Fecal sam­ples were tak­en to check for par­a­sites and one dog test­ed pos­i­tive. The cat was treat­ed for an ear infec­tion and a wound on its neck. All ani­mals had long over­grown nails and one dog had a nail that grew into the pad of its foot. 

The Offi­cers trans­port­ed the seized ani­mals to an ani­mal shel­ter. Here, they were metic­u­lous­ly cleaned, treat­ed for fleas, and well cared for.

A few weeks lat­er when the ani­mals were in good phys­i­cal con­di­tion, the ani­mal shel­ter placed them for adop­tion. In a month’s time, they were adopt­ed by fam­i­lies who loved them unconditionally.

Tony Porter, Chief Ani­mal Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer, NBSP­CA said Our Ani­mal Pro­tec­tion Offi­cers inves­ti­gate alle­ga­tions of ani­mal abuse and cru­el­ty and enforce ani­mal pro­tec­tion laws. For us, ani­mal wel­fare is of prime impor­tance and we work with oth­er stake­hold­ers to get ani­mals out of dif­fi­cult situations ”. 

Charges were laid on Ms. Thi­bod­ieu under the SPCA Act of New Brunswick and the Crim­i­nal Code for fail­ing to pro­vide food, water, and med­ical care, and keep­ing her pets in unsan­i­tary con­di­tions. The Bathurst Court sen­tenced her on March 6, 2023, with super­vised pro­ba­tion of 10 months, a fine total­ing $1500, and banned her from own­ing ani­mals for a 10-year peri­od. She was required to pay the fees incurred by the NBSP­CA towards vet­eri­nar­i­an fees amount­ing to $1569.34.

About the New Brunswick SPCA

Found­ed in 1881, New Brunswick SPCA (NBSC­PA) is the only province-wide orga­ni­za­tion man­dat­ed to enforce ani­mal pro­tec­tion laws. A ded­i­cat­ed team of 15 Ani­mal Pro­tec­tion Offi­cers is vest­ed with the author­i­ty under the SPCA Act of New Brunswick to inves­ti­gate and, if nec­es­sary, lay charges, seize ani­mals, or rec­om­mend court orders to per­sons sus­pect­ed of abuse and cru­el­ty to animals. 

The NBSP­CA is a reg­is­tered char­i­ty that exists to pro­vide province-wide lead­er­ship in the humane treat­ment of ani­mals. We enforce rel­e­vant leg­is­la­tion, ensure shel­ter for neglect­ed or abused domes­ti­cat­ed ani­mals and agri­cul­tur­al ani­mals, and pro­vide pub­lic edu­ca­tion and advo­ca­cy to empow­er New Brunswick­ers to help ani­mals live long and healthy lives. 

To learn more vis­it www​.nbsp​ca​.ca

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