Significance of spaying and neutering cats

Whether you are planning to adopt a cat or you have already welcomed your furry friend into your home, make sure your new companion is spayed or neutered. Removal of a female cat’s ovaries and uterus is spaying while removing a male cat’s testicles is neutering. Both operations are conducted routinely by a licenced veterinarian. 

Research says that one unspayed female cat and her offspring can be responsible for over two million new kittens over a period of the eight-year lifespan. 

Spaying and neutering is one of the greatest gifts you can provide your pet and your family. When cats are not spayed or neutered, a large number end up on the streets homeless each year. A few lucky ones are adopted, and the rest die from trauma, exposure, starvation, or disease. By spaying and neutering your cat, you do your part to prevent this tragedy,” said Lesley Rogers, Executive Director of New Brunswick SPCA

Once a kitten is eight-weeks-old, they can be spayed and neutered safely. Cats altered before six months of age have a lower risk of developing behavioral or health problems as compared to those that undergo these procedures later in their life. 

Among the benefits of spaying and neutering cats:

Fights cat overpopulation

Spaying and neutering can help control the cat overpopulation crisis and reduce the number of homeless cats.

Better for your cat’s health

Spaying a female cat before the first heat helps prevent uterine infections, uterine cancers, and breast cancer. Neutering a male cat eliminates the chances of testicular cancer and lowers the risk of prostate problems. Cats that are spayed and neutered live healthier, longer, and happier lives.

Cats are well-behaved

Spayed and neutered cats are better behaved. It reduces his/​her urge to roam thus decreasing the risk of contracting diseases and getting injured. Such cats are more likely not to bite or display aggressive behaviour. These surgeries can help improve your cat’s mood and also relieve stress and leave you with a content pet. 

Spaying and neutering are cost-effective

When your furry friend is not spayed and neutered, the long-term cost you could incur can be excessive. Treatment of cancer for the reproductive system is quite costly and caring for a new litter of kittens can be expensive.

Any surgical procedure carries risk. However, the overall benefits of spay and neutering outweigh the risk factors. Contact your local shelter to know about low-cost spay and neutering at https://​nbsp​ca​.ca/​f​i​n​d​-​y​o​u​r​-​l​o​c​a​l​-​s​h​elter

About New Brunswick SPCA

Founded in 1881, New Brunswick SPCA (NBSCPA) is the only province-wide organization mandated to enforce animal protection laws. A dedicated team of 15 Animal Protection Officers is vested with the authority under the SPCA Act of New Brunswick to investigate and, if necessary, lay charges, seize animals, or issue orders to persons suspected of abuse and cruelty to animals. 

The NBSPCA is a registered charity that exists to provide province-wide leadership in the humane treatment of animals. We enforce relevant legislation, ensure shelter for neglected or abused domesticated animals and agricultural animals, and provide public education and advocacy to empower New Brunswickers to help animals live long and healthy lives. 

To learn more visit nbsp​ca​.ca