NBSPCA investigation leads to fine, prohibition for the dog owner

On receiving a complaint about neglected dogs at a home in the western part of New Brunswick, the Animal Protection Officers (APOs) of the New Brunswick SPCA (NBSPCA) found two 4 – 5‑year-old dogs appearing very weak on January 272023

The dogs were found to be in extremely poor physical condition, their ribs, spine and hips could be easily seen and felt.

The owner surrendered her two dogs to Officers who removed them from the residence and immediately transported them to a veterinarian for a full medical assessment and treatment. 

The dogs were turned over to an SPCA animal shelter for rehabilitation and subsequently put up for adoption so that they could find their forever home.

The NBSPCA filed charges under the SPCA Act against the owner of the dogs, Angela Sargefield. She appeared in Woodstock Provincial Court on June 20, 2023, and pled guilty to failing to provide shelter and medical care under the SPCA Act of New Brunswick. The court sentenced Ms. Sargefield to a $500 fine and a two-year Prohibition Order from owning dogs. 

Chief Animal Protection Officer, NBSPCA Tony Porter said Our Animal Protection Officers care deeply about protecting animals from cruelty, abuse, and neglect. Those pet owners who do not provide shelter and fail to provide medical care to their animals will have to face consequences.”

About the New Brunswick SPCA

Founded in 1881, New Brunswick SPCA (NBSCPA) is the only province-wide organization mandated to enforce animal protection laws. A dedicated team of 15 Animal Protection Officers is vested with the authority under the SPCA Act of New Brunswick to investigate and, if necessary, lay charges, seize animals, or recommend court orders to persons suspected of abuse and cruelty to animals. 

The NBSPCA is a registered charity that exists to provide province-wide leadership in the humane treatment of animals. We enforce relevant legislation, ensure shelter for neglected or abused domesticated animals and agricultural animals, and provide public education and advocacy to empower New Brunswickers to help animals live long and healthy lives. 

To learn more visit nbsp​ca​.ca