NBSPCA Expands Happy Tails Program to Include Emergency Care

NBSPCA Happy Tails program expands to help more families keep their pets


Feb. 132025

Fredericton, N.B. – As inflation continues to impact household budgets and veterinary costs keep rising, the New Brunswick SPCA (NBSPCA) is pleased to announce the expansion of its Happy Tails fund. The program is now offering financial assistance for emergency veterinary care for low-income pet families, in addition to cat spay and neuter procedures.

Initially launched in 2024 with a focus on cat spay and neuter services, Happy Tails has already helped more than 250 families across the province keep their feline companions healthy and in their homes. This second phase represents a critical expansion to meet the growing need in our province.

We’re seeing more families than ever having to make impossible choices between paying their bills and providing medical care for their pets,” said Lesley Rogers, Executive Director of the NBSPCA. When a family is forced to surrender their pet due to medical costs, it’s not only heartbreaking, but it also places additional strain on our shelter system and traumatizes both the family and their pet. Happy Tails offers a compassionate alternative.”

Rogers noted that emergency veterinary procedures can cost thousands of dollars, which forces many families to face the devastating decision to surrender their pets, delay crucial medical care or have them euthanized.

The goal of Happy Tails is to keep pets healthy and with their families. Studies have shown that pets improve their owners’ mental health and reduce stress levels. They encourage more physical activity and help children develop stronger empathy skills. Most importantly, they provide unconditional love and companionship that enriches family life.

At the NBSPCA, we believe that every pet deserves a happy and healthy life,” Rogers said. We are dedicated to providing the support needed to make this a reality for families in our community.”

On Saturday, Feb. 15 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., the NBSPCA will provide additional support by piloting a drop-in wellness veterinary clinic for residents of 12 Neighbours. Veterinarians Dr. Rhonda Stone of Valley Veterinarian Hospital and Dr. Hannah MacKellar from SouthPaw Animal Hospital are volunteering their time at the clinic. The veterinarians will examine the residents’ pets, offer vaccines, parasite treatments and nail trims, and, if needed, they will refer pets to the Happy Tails program for spay or neuter surgeries.

Our community is thrilled with the upcoming and ongoing support from the New Brunswick SPCA,” said Josh Lebrun, Executive Director of 12 Neighbours. Finances can be a barrier for many of us to provide adequate care for our beloved pets. Our neighbourhood is no different, and there are several neighbours who have pets who need this kind of care and attention. We are very grateful for this important partnership.”

The Happy Tails program is funded through community donations and grants. The NBSPCA aims to assist 500 families in the coming year through this expanded program.

Families can apply for assistance by emailing happytails@​nbspca.​ca. Community members interested in supporting the program can make donations online or contact Lesley Rogers at lesleyr@​nbspca.​ca for more information about sponsorship opportunities.

About New Brunswick SPCA

Founded in 1881, New Brunswick SPCA (NBSCPA) is the only provincewide organization mandated to enforce animal protection laws. A dedicated team of 15 Animal Protection Officers is vested with the authority under the SPCA Act of New Brunswick to investigate and, if necessary, lay charges, seize animals, or recommend court orders to persons suspected of abuse and cruelty to animals.

The NBSPCA is a registered charity that exists to provide provincewide leadership in the humane treatment of animals. We enforce relevant legislation, ensure shelter for neglected or abused domesticated animals and agricultural animals, and provide public education and advocacy to empower New Brunswickers to help animals live long and healthy lives.

Media Contact: Alex Davis, alex@​ccgoodwin.​ca, 5062594081.